

Here it is, the list you've all been waiting for! The list that will define our summer and expand our horizons. The only rules are: I must complete each item on the list at all costs, and I must take a Polaroid proof of every activity, or else it doesn't count.

So without further ado, the 20 things I must do before I turn 20!

1) Take a Weekend Road trip exploring Michigan. Before the trip I will throw a dart at a map and we must go to that location. Also we must eat Ice Cream in Hell, and make it as far as Sleeping Bear dunes.

2) Go skinny dipping.

3) Win an Award, any award.

4) Go 1 mile on a pogo-stick.

5) Have my fortune told by a professional.

6) Go Camping.

7) Watch a meteor shower, far from the light pollution of Detroit.

8) Flirt with an attractive stranger.

9) Film a 10 minute action adventure movie, with one scene shot in public. The movie must have the common motif of "Rihanna".

10) Dye Hair.

11) Read all of Kurt Vonnegut's works in addition to 10 of Gore Vidal's most acclaimed novels.

12) Meet someone who has lived in America, China, and France.

13) Shit green and leave it in a public restroom.

14) Get fake tan.

15) 3am Heritage Park picnic.

16) Egg someone's house.

17) Cyber-bully an annoying stranger

18) Play Shipsmasta!

19) Watch the sunrise on Woodcreak's roof.

20) Get drunk off Absinthe.


an ERA has ENDED.

It’s been picked up and thrown against the wall. Stabbed repeatedly through the heart. Its balls have been stretched out and pulled back behind its head. Its arms and legs have been tied up on a medieval stretch board and torn off. Its head has been sliced half off like a hinge and it was hung upside down so its innards could spill all over Amy's bedroom floor.

Amy has taken paper and given it a thousand paper cuts then poured alcohol over all the miniscule wounds. Amy has taken a straw and stabbed it in its nose and sucked out its brains. Amy then spit its brains all over its limbs which she keeps in the corner of her room. Amy took a baseball bat and repeatedly beat the shit out of the remaining torso. Amy jumped up and down on its head until its skull gave way and caved in. Amy tied its crushed head to her ceiling fan then turned it on and watched as its body swung round and round until the body ripped off the head completely and went crashing out her window.

Amy took her shattered window pieces and used them to cut up just the inner guts and organs of her blog. Amy then drained its insides out through the holes where its legs used to be attached. She bottled up the liquids and fed it to her dogs. Then she put the crushed head on a stick and humped the other end. Amy skinned her blog and sewed it into a fashionable hand bag and a pair of rather grotesque heels. The bones and muscle were thrown in a pit in her backyard then she shit all over it. She purchased ten copies of Glitter staring Mariah Carrey and threw them over the body. she lit a fire and laughed as her blog was damned to an afterlife with the pop sensation.

Amy deleted her blog, and for that she must die.


...and AND they want me to carry it in my uterus!

Mary-Kate... Mary-Kate... MARY-KATE! Dear god, what is there to say? Venus, Elvis, Madonna, Rhianna, Britney, Diana, Warhol, Crichton, Spielberg, Monroe, Fey, Audrey, Fergie, Grace, Orlando, Jake, Heath, Quinto, and the legendary Johnny Depp, all enfused in one thin bohemian Starbucks addicted beauty whom is my utmost (and newest) idol.

If Madonna has kabbalah, and Cruise has Scientology, then I would like to propose my own make believe religion. A religion based solely on the worship of rich and beautiful celebrities and the demonization of the unglamorous and unfashionable. Lets call this religion Mooseism.

Have you converted yet?

Perhaps you would like to know more about my religion? Since I just invented it in the last few minutes there really isn't much to it. All I know is the "Queen Diety" is Mary-Kate Olson, also Starbucks and Nylon magazine our are places of worship.

Have you converted yet?

Perhaps you need more convincing? Ah well, I'll share with you the additions to my religion as I think of them. Shall we move on to what I'm here to blog about? no?.. no?... Yes? okay.





EVERYTHING IS CHANGING! its so sad, and inevitable. Our first major life crossroad has popped up out of the blue and I'm not ready for it. But hey, it might be exciting.

Here's some of the new things in my life:

New school: I start OCC in a few weeks and have bought my books and am starting to get excited. unfortunently I opted out on the orientation, so I'll be a little VERY lost my first day, but hey, no surprise there.

New Job: I QUIT COLDSTONE! thank fuck, I hate that place. just about a Week ago I was sitting at my job thinking how the last thing I wanted was to still be doing this for the next two years of my life, and then a week ago today I got called in for an Interview at Dagwoods. the next day I was offered the job. Monday I started, and tomorrow will be my fourth day of training. Already I LOVE it. Tomorrow will be crazy, I work for 10 hours!

New Diet: Yay for new diet plans. This one is very simple and I've lasted on it for a whole four days, step back. I'm on a no Sugar diet. CRAZY. I've switched to diet coke, which really doesn't taste that bad anymore. Splenda in my coffee. and sugar free ice cream. Its really not that hard at all and could save me from a long family history of diabetes.

Money: I've been working my ass off doing 30+ hours a week at coldstone, and my Checking account is now over an unheard of $700! This is just my checking, not including the $1500 I have in savings. And all this means to me is that I need to go shopping at Heritage ASAP, Mall anyone? Perhaps I should make a post about my fall wishlist...

Not counting the fact that all my friends are about to leave and I'll be stuck here with only Alexis to turn to, and I'll be very sad.

I'm incredibly nervous for what this fall will bring, with my whole life changing. But I think it could be amazing, what with this new job that I love, and a new healthier diet. Hopefully I'll learn to love OCC as well.

This photo's my favorite.



I warn you now, this post is long. I have much to get off my chest. This is more for me than you, but I must record the last few days of my life, while still fresh in memory, simply because they were the best four days of my life thus far.

This post will show you how sad my little life has been to make these four days so extraordinary.

Currently listening to: Come Around - M.I.A

The coffee pot is screaming, brb.

I just brewed the thickest, richest, darkest, most intense (and expensive) cup of coffee in a very long time. I have brewed it simply because I am feeling blues-ey, and nothing eradicates the post BANANA blues like a sharp jolt of caffeine through your veins. The small coffee pot in my room was shaking and sweating as it attempted to produce this intense beverage for me, this task was clearly at the cusp of its abilities and it is exhausted now. I unplugged it to give it some peace.

Lets begin shall we?

THURSDAY - July 30
AKA - "The greatest July 30th of my life"

I wasn't feeling too happy for some reason and so I texted Charlotte to see if she was available. She was getting off work soon, and asked me what I had in mind to do. I responded with 4 or 5 random activities such as "feeding ducks" and "flirting with Meijers employees". She responded "lol sounds good", and so I decided to compile a list of 20 out of the ordinary activities that we had to complete before the end of July 30th, in an epic attempt to have the greatest July 30th of our lives. I printed the list up and put it on a clip board, ready to cross off each item as it was completed.

Along the journey I picked up a few friends. Of course I started with Charlotte, but eventually Shelby joined us on our adventure. Then we ran into Robyn, and lastly we ended up at Lisa Ventura's front door.

Here's some of the things we did.

1. We exposed ourselves at the Pavilion, downtown Farmington.
2. We purchased diet chocolate fudge soda and convinced people to drink.
3. I drove with my knees for a mile and everyone else sat backwards.
4. We fed ducks.
5. we played hide and seek in a graveyard.
6. went on the roof of a school.
7. danced in a fountain and sang spice girls.

amongst other things.

The grand adventure concluded at Rams Horn around midnight. It was here we all decided to make this an annual event. Every July 30th we would have to out do the previous years July 30th. Photos of our night should be on Facebook shortly.

FRIDAY - July 31

Harry Potter’s birthday party.
First Shelby and I purchased food, then Alexis joined us and we got decorations. We bedazzled my basement in harry potter themes and proceeded to celebrate his birthday. It is here that we first met Devin, Theresa's cousin, who is bundles of fun.

1. We watched Harry Potter 5.
2. Played pin the tail on the Dragon.
3. Spontaneously went to Ann Arbor and got ice cream.
4. Played Quidditch
5. played truth or dare.

It was fun.

SATURDAY - August 1

I spent most the morning and afternoon sitting outside reading Harry Potter 7, at 4:00 I went to Theresa's grad party. Devin was already there, and so was Theresa, obviously. we walked around, kicked a ball, and I drank pop, but at a quarter to 5 I had to leave for work.

WORK SUCKED DONKEY BALLS, possibly one of the worst days at work anyone has ever had ever. Just kidding, I’m sure those who worked in the World Trade Center have had worse days than I.

I threw a fit and got to leave early at 10:00, when I raced to the grad party, which was currently in Theresa’s basement viewing a rather fascinating anti-pot propaganda film from the 30s. Its so strange to think I walked in there intending to stick around for 2 hours, but ended up spending 24.

After the film, a few people went home and it was down to Theresa, Devin, Alexis, Amy, Krystal and I. We played squares for a while. It was my first time playing and I was paired with the ultra coy and smooth Amy Hemmeter. We killed the competition with our clever signals such as: Running fingers through hair, “that’s what she said”, and “This game is boring.” After a few rounds of this, I became bored of killing everyone else (Just kidding, we won by a point), and so we walked to Tony’s grad party to pick up Elyse, losing Krystal in the process.

While walking back the greatest “that’s what she said” joke ever occurred. I had to poop and so announced to the group, “after we get done with this, I’m going to complain, then take a huge dump.” and Devin responded, “that’s what she said.” There have been very few times when I have laughed as loud and long as when he said this.

We returned and watched Killer Clowns from Outer Space, but it wasn't very good, and we eventually retired outside. There I called and convinced my father to let me spend the night, he folded like a deck of cards against a hurricane. We danced around on Theresa’s pink ball while out there.

People seemed to be getting tired, and I feared everyone would just go to bed, so in an attempt to spice things up I accepted Alexis's dare of running around the neighborhood in my underwear. Which I did like no other.

We then decided to go to the Beachview playground, where we just sat and talked. So then we relocated to the Harrison football field, where we sat and talked yet again. It was spooky being back at Harrison for the first time since my last day of school, it was spooky being back at Harrison at 3:00 in the morning, it looks less like a prison and more like a castle when the sun goes down.

At some point we decided it would be fun to break into heritage park and sit and talk there, but by time we got back to Theresa’s everyone seemed tired. I once again feared we would end up asleep. But, to my great surprise, we decided to play "SHIT", a classic game. We piled into Amy’s car and drove around. Unfortunately, there weren’t any good “shit” songs, and so we wound up at Meijers (obviously a favorite hang out of mine). While there we made a basket of embarrassing items: Extra large condoms, water melons, laxatives, and abandoned it in the womans clothing section. We walked away giggling at the thought of a confused worker discovering the basket and going through the items wondering who was going to purchase them. We ran into Jillian at about 4:15, it was extremely random and awkward.

On our way back to Theresa's it was discovered that Devin had never seen Death Proof, my favorite film. So we watched the good parts back at Theresa's. Sadly at this point we lost Amy. we lost her to SLEEP.

After watching my favorite film, we decided to play strip poker, but I failed and complained so we ended up playing strip spoons. I lost almost everything and so did Elyse, but Devin only lost a sandal and Alexis only a few items. Theresa was our judge. As the games continued we became more desperate for reasons to take our clothes off, and ended up playing “Strip throw the MnM into your partners shirt.” the game did not last long for obvious reasons. By the time we had gotten our clothes back on the sun had risen.

We all walked outside around 6:00 and did sun rise Yoga under Elyse’s excellent instruction, but it failed. Theresa's mom came down and said "Hello" amongst other words. Then we decided to walk around the neighborhood. We followed the creak that runs by her house, all through the neighborhood.

Currently listening to: Pop the Glock - Uffie

This was my favorite part of the entire weekend, possibly one of the greatest moments of my life and I have no idea why. It was so much fun and so simple, it was six in the morning and it felt as though we were the only people in the entire world. From now on, when I am stressed and tired and need to retire to a peaceful place in my mind, this is where I will go. We walked along the creak, I jumped on trampolines and climbed logs along the way. We just talked and enjoyed each others company while the sun rose. And when we returned to Theresa's we all went home, only to return a half hour later in Church clothes.

It was about this time we realized how long we had been up, and how crazy it was. we could no longer recall exactly what day anything happened, and so decided to simply call this time together BANANA. Which is defined by Devin so eloquently as "jet leg without travelling anywhere."

We went to my church, and Elyse and I did communion, it was wild.

Afterwards we got Tina's for breakfast, I was starting to get exhausted and it scared me because I didn’t want this BANANA to end. I called my dad and told him I’d be out longer, but he said I had to clean the basement before I could hang out with my friends any longer. We all traveled to my house and cleaned my basement of all the Harry Potter birthday party remains.

Afterwards Devin took over driving responsibilities, and we went to Old Navy to have a look around. It was dull, so we went to Borders where we got magazines and Devin fell asleep. Elyse purchased a Cosmo and we spent the next few hours quizzing Devin on Sex and the like.

After, we drove downtown to Starbucks where we sat and talked, yet again. When 4:30 rolled around we went to see Night at the Museum 2. I can hardly recall a single thing that happened in this movie because I was so exhausted. We all fell asleep at various times throughout the film.

Afterward, we drove around and collected peoples swim suits, and then went to dinner. It was delicious, I had no idea I was so hungry. I gorged myself on the appetizer and my undercooked burger.

We stuffed Devin’s car with pop and chips from Theresa’s house and drove all the way to Elyse's house to sit in her hot tub, but after about 20 minutes Devin's mom threw a rut and we all retired back to Theresa’s house for the last time. It was then that the BANANA finally broke up, after almost two days of non stop activity.

I finally got to bed at about 12:00 AM.

In the end I was up for roughly 36 hours, and it was amazing.

Sadly, my life immediately went back to normal. I've been to work twice and haven't seen my friends. I finished Harry Potter 7, and have started the series from the beginning. I've updated my computer with a more advanced graphics card and it now has internet capabilities.

Theresa is planning to go to Ferndale tomorrow for some fun, and I'm excited to be with friends again, but it won’t be the same as BANANA. Who cares, right?

Sadly, I feel extra lonely now, after having so much fun this weekend. Going from such intense fun to being all alone, I can’t help but feel extra sad. At least I can go back to that quiet creak where we were the only ones in the world.


Cat's Pajamas

It's very sad isn't it? We had some of the most beautiful architecture in the world and now its nearly gone.

The first picture is my favorite. That theater is now a parking garage.

In other news, I purchased a Magic 8 ball to aid me in my decision making troubles!


Get Retro Physical

For many days I've sat down at this computer and opened a new post document only to close it after a few sentences. Mostly because I had nothing to say, but partly because it smells really bad down here.

Today I opened Amy's blog and made a few startling discoveries. Firstly, I think we should look at the amount Amy has blogged over the years, don't you? In 2005 and 2006 Amy blogged an outstanding 137 times. Truly phenomenal. Then, in 2007 something changed, she blogged only 49 times. This is a tremendous drop! in 2008 Amy blogged an abysmal 33 times. And now that 2009 is half over, she has only blogged 5 times.

Now, now, I cannot complain. To be fair, I've blogged erratically over the past 5 years, but at least I was consistently erratic! According to my calculations, if you continue at this rate you will only blog 4 times next year!

Thank god there is me.

Next, I travelled to March of 2005, not a happy time. In fact, I'd rather forget 8th grade. While we're at it probably the first two years of High School as well. To tell the truth, I'm working on forgetting everything before I bought my first pair of jeans in December of 2008.


(This is my longest post without a picture yet.)

That is better.


Michael Jackson is dead. Have you noticed that in all the interviews people say, "he was such a great entertainer." or, "I hope he will always be remembered as a great entertainer." No one says, "He will always be remembered as a great person"?
Strange, huh?

ANYWAY. Damn I'm ADD today.

I was Reading a post of Amy's from March 2008 that caught my eye. It was titled "Homophobia" and described Amy's attempts to do a research project on Homophobia. What I found most interesting was the comment from a man named Russell (Ironic, huh?)

"Homophobia is good, bad and easily understood. For starters it is the very definition of unnatural. There is no case that can ever be made that it is natural. If you simply state that they love each other and what's wrong with that, then you have to allow brothers and sisters that love each other to mate, or fathers and daughters that love each other, or boys and dogs... where does it stop being "love"?

As for hating those participating in such behavior, that's just not right. We all mistakes. We all fall short. We should accept them as humans. Hate the sin, love the sinner."

Damn this makes me mad.

I have to say though, I love Rachel's comment.


But yeah, looking back at eighth grade was an interesting experience. God bless Amy for keeping her blog for so long, it gives us a window into the past. I really enjoyed looking at the comments everyone left.

So much has changed since then, isn't it weird? Things changed In ways I never imagined.

It is just now hitting me that this is my last summer before college.



I'm very excited for this one. I'm thinking about purchasing some good... scratch that, Un-fucking-believable shoes... and need your help. I didn't put this on my "summer wish list" post because it would've taken up too much space and cause me to surpass my 6 pictures per post quota.

So here is how this will work. I will present to you six pairs of shoes that I like, and you will leave comments telling me your favorite and from that I will decide which guilty pleasure to indulge in.

1) Adidas Men's I.L. Comp. You cannot deny the yellow green combination is beautiful.

-Full grain leather upper for comfort and soft feel
-Textile lining for comfort
-Rubber cupsole for grip

Cost: $75.00

2) Men'sZX Racer. I really like the blue and am a big fan of the style.

-Synthetic upper for durable style
-Textile lining for comfort
-EVA midsole for lightweight cushioning

Cost: $65.00

3) Nike Cortez Innovation to Innovation Multi-Pack Men's Shoe. I'm mostly attracted to this shoe because of the crazy long name.

Cost: $102.00

4) Vans Royal Authentic

Cost: $45.00

5) Converse Grimes.

Cost: $60.00

6) Converse. I can't decide between traditional black or green.

Cost: $45.00

That is all.

I seem to remember Incognito in Royal Oak having phenomenal shoes, so whenever we go back to Royal Oak I'm a gonna wanna to look at those.

Good Night.

JK... We all know I'll be posting something in a few hours, probably around 3:00 am (those are always my best posts I know right)